Rules and Regulations


1. Minimum age for admission to Nursery 3+ years.

2. The school hours 09:15 A.M to 02:00 P.M

3. 75 % attendance compulsory for each and every student. Students with less than 75 % attendance will not be allowed to sit in examinations.

4. Parents should have proper knowledge regarding school timings and act accordingly.

5. The payment of monthly fees to be made within the scheduled school hours.

6. The monthly fees to be paid in advance by the 7th day of every month. It failing to do so an addition of RS. 5 per day to be paid along with the monthly fee.

7. Any damage caused to school property, is liable for penalty/ even guardian are have to pay for the damaged properly.

8. Any students or guardians violating the school rules and regulations will be subject to punishment to the extent the student receiving T.C.

9. It is compulsory for all the guardians to attend the parents teachers meeting whenever called.

10. No electronic gadgets like mobile phones, tabs etc. will be allowed in the school.

11. The parents/guardians will not be allowed to visit their wards (sons/daughters) during the school hours.

12. No parents /guardians will be allowed inside the school/class without the prior permission of principal/school management.

13. Any guardian/Parents seeking early leave for their wards should submit a written application to the T.I.C / principal.

14. When school ends guardians/parents receiving their wards/child should carry the guardians visiting card, without which we the school will not be able to hand over the child

15. No complain or information over phone will be entertained.

16. In case of any accident caused to school vehicle caring students Linder no circumstances the school management be responsible (vehicles are provided for the benefit of the guardians).

17. Any bad behavior on past of the student / guardians to ward teachers or school management, the school management has the right to terminate the students.

18. Before coming to school, the students must carry their books and copies as per the day’s time table (class routine).

19. Any complain regarding food will not be entertains but suggestions are always welcome.

20. Guardian/ parents must maintain proper discipline and peace while interacting is the office.

21. Once inside the school the guardians should keep in mind not to smoke or have any kind of tobacco or its products.

22. The guard has the right to send away from the school gates those students who comes to school without proper uniform.

23. Guardian is not allowed to discuss any matter regarding to caste, religion which many cause disharmony in the school premises.

24. Private tutor’s teachers of any student will not be allowed in the school.

25. In case of any accident to any student, the school will not be responsible.

26. Guardians must fill the register (with the guard) before taking their ward from the school.

27. To meet Principal/ teacher the guardians have a take on appointment from the school office.

28. Guardians must avoid from taking their child to unnecessarily social gatherings hampering the child’s class.

29. Guardians especially (Nursery, L.K.G, and U.K.G) must keep on eye to the school diary and home work copies regularly.

30. Boarders will not be allowed any leave other than family death.

31. Guardians should provide proper dress. (It has been observed they are provided with torn and ragged clothes).

32. Guardians will be allowed to meet their child only every Sunday between 10:00 A.M and 05:00 P.M.

33. Only one day per week the guardian will be allowed to speak over phone between 05:00 P.M and 06:00 P.M

34. Students have to return of scheduled date from home otherwise a fine of RS. 50 per day will be charged.

35. No cooked food will be allowed inside the hostel. Guardian may provide biscuit, horlicks, etc.

36. Any break of rules or damage of school properly by either student or parents than penalty may be even T.C will be handed to the student.

37. On visiting days/ vacation, guardians must carry visiting, without which student will not be allowed to leave the school premises.

38. No guardians are allowed inside hostel rooms without prior permissions.

39. Any leave other the holidays, guardian must submit on applications in the office.

40. Any bad behavior towards teachers either by students or parents will not be entertained.

41. Boarders are abiding by the hostel teachers, school captain and hostel super.

42. For any accidents to students, the school authority will not be responsible.

43. The guardians are requested not to switch off their mobile phones at any hour.

44. Any stationary availed from the school office. Guardians are to provide the cost of the stationary along with the monthly fee.

45. Violence and ragging is strictly prohibited in the school campus.

46. No expensive item such (jewellery, phone, tab etc) will be allowed in the school premises.
